Meet Team Leader, Lee Michaels!

IMG_1627Hard work pays off and does not go unnoticed here at Summit Consulting. We can spot driven and determined employees by their productivity in the workplace as well as their hunger to continually learn more. As an American Olympic sprinter once said,

Life is often compared to a marathon… it is more like being a sprinter; long stretches of hard work punctuated by brief moments in which we are given the opportunity to perform at our best. – Michael Johnson

A new staff member has already hit the ground running! In the short time working with us thus far, Lee Michaels has already been promoted to a training position. His performance shows that he keeps in mind our company’s “8 Great Work Habits,” our keys to achieving success.

IMG_5337Since he is a fairly new staff member, he took the time to answer some questions to tell us a little about himself! A person with a kind heart, he expressed that if he won $10 million dollars he would buy his mom a Corvette and his dad a Jaguar! Michaels would like to invest in real estate in San Francisco, CA, Annapolis, MD, and Columbus, OH.  When asked what song he would perform on The Voice he answered Folsom Prison by Johnny Cash.

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Meet Ashley from Human Resources!

IMG_2533When you walk into Summit Consulting, the first thing you see is a welcoming smile from our wonderful Human Resources employee, Ashley!  Her energy brings an inviting aura to the main lobby and she is quick to organize meetings with our staff.  Ashley defines herself as a ‘gatherer’ because in her recruiting capacity, scouting out talent is one of her main duties.  She expressed, “To me ‘gatherer’ would imply that I am the one who makes things work!”  Without Ashley, Summit Consulting wouldn’t run nearly as smoothly as it does.

Ashley has a kind-hearted and punctilious personality in the workplace. She loves to take photos outside of the office: “I love how you can capture a moment that you can visually relive for the rest of your life!”  Ashley started this hobby with her uncle when she was in her early teen years.  Trips they had shared grew closer to her heart when he developed cancer.  As a remembrance of the memories with him, she got a camera tattoo that says, “Together in Spirit,” so whenever she is out taking pictures she feels he is close by.

The end vision is always in mind for Ashley.  She comes to work motivated to accomplish her goals, which are centered around needs rather than wants. This attractive quality of Ashley is revealed when asked what she would do with $10 million dollars, she said:

“If I won $10 Million Dollars… I would buy a home that I was very content with and would have it completely paid off with money set aside to decorate, pay utilities etc. for the next 10 years or so. I would then buy my dream car – a Honda Fit! . I would never stop working – I love my job. I would live modestly and enjoy the time I have on earth by donating anonymously to different causes and friends who were struggling. Money doesn’t matter in my mind – people and the impact you have on those people do.” – Ashley

Now you can see why all of us at Summit Consulting (Glen Burnie) are so grateful to work with her!

Meet Dalton, our Leader of the Week!

If you’re looking for a riveting conversation to ease your day at work, Dalton is an easy going, down-to-earth employee of Summit Consulting that can spark up great conversations and get you pumped for the day! Dalton believes it takes one person to make someone’s day. Inspired by positive people, he strives to make others feel the equivocal positivity energy that he projects on a daily basis. His light-hearted personality is showcased when asked what song he would perform if he was a contender on “The Voice.” He told us, “Definitely ‘Piano Man’ by Billy Joel.  The song has a good story and is a great opportunity to showcase my ‘beautiful’ baritone voice.” 

In addition to Dalton’s ability to facilitate fun in the Summit Consulting work environment, he also has well-grounded ethics that make him successful. His student mentality helps him succeed in his career and generally in life as a whole. He expressed, “You never know what you don’t know and anybody can teach you that.” Dalton actively searches for information that could help in progress as an employee, so he may one day reach his long-term goal of managing his own office.

Dalton goes by his personal philosophy that, “If you’re going to do it, you might as well do it big.” He understands that he gets paid for working hard and that he should always perform his best.

To conclude his interview, we dug deeper into his personal beliefs by asking what he thinks is the best and worst thing about humanity:

“The best is when people work together to create something greater than themselves.  The worst is the ignorance and arrogance of people thinking that they are better than others when in reality no one person’s life is greater than another person’s.  We need to all humble ourselves and realize we’re all in this together.”  – Dalton

That says it all – Summit Consulting employees work together to establish high productivity as a group at the end of each workday, best articulated by Dalton, our Leader of the Week!